We face many problems in comparing our results with a published paper. To acquire data from a image file, one may use these methods.

  1. WebPlotDigitizer by Ankit Rohatgi

  2. Matlab script - Download the digitize2.m (Authors: A. Prasad, Original version created by J.D.Cogdell).

There is a bug in this file.

  • In Line-273 of digitize2.m file, replace the below line.
if (writefname == 0) || (writepname == 0)


if (writefname == 0)
  • Now, keep your image file and the digitize2.m file in the same folder. Write a matlab script (.m) to call the function with the image file name as the input.

Here, ext = jpg, png, tif, bmp, gif. Run the script.

  • Follow the instructions showed in the window. At last, Save the data.
  • Load the data in your script if you wish.
  • You are ready to go.